Hanna Uraieva

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Involved in the
preparation of the material

100 Photos of Ukraine – 2022


100 Photos of Ukraine – 2022

100 photos of Ukraine is a major summary material that Ukraїner traditionally prepares at the end of each year starting 2017. These are the most powerful pictures that the project team has taken during the last 12 months. Ukrainian...

Erasing Ukrainian Collective Memory

The history of the war

Erasing Ukrainian Collective Memory

For centuries, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union were involved in an organized effort to “erase” the memory of Ukrainians as well as other oppressed peoples. With the erasure went the ideas of independence, knowledge of their own history,...

Dnipro: Jazz and Support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Dnipro: Jazz and Support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Due to the full-scale Russian invasion, many cultural initiatives have switched their activities to help the military and civilians. However, their main mission to create art remains unchanged as the art evolves into a special weapon to encourage the nation’s...