The Eurovision victory of the Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra drew the attention of hundreds of millions of people. Today, the famed pink panama hat of the band’s leader, Oleh Psiuk, is entering the sales trends from the markets in the...
In Slobozhanshchyna, near the cities of Putyvl and Bilopillia, Horiuns live. They are an East Slavic subethnic group that was formed on these lands in the 16th century. Now, there are only a few thousand Horiuns left.
The tradition of creating toys has lived in Ukrainian culture from time immemorial. Clay, wood, fabric, straw, vine, dough — this is far from an exhaustive list of traditional Ukrainian toys. Despite such diversity, only two state museums are dedicated...
A few years ago in the village Ivkivtsi hidden from the passers-by over the hills near Cherkasy, the locals transformed a former Soviet collective farm into agricultural attraction Grainland. Grainland aims to not only entertain visitors but also display antique...
“On Sunday morning, an early sunrise brought joy and glory to cherry gardens” — these lines begin a carol which has been heard in the village of Kryvorivnia in the Hutsul region for over 100 years. The tradition...
The Romanyuks from the Carpathian village Topilche bake traditional Hutsul bread following a special recipe, play several musical instruments, and are masters of unique singing techniques. The voice of Paraska Romanyuk is admired not only in Ukraine but also beyond...
In the villages of Polissia, the tradition of authentic Polissian singing has been preserved. Stari Koni, Komory, Svalovychi — in these and some other villages in Polissia, there are still people who remember the old songs that were known and...
Khortytsia, the largest island on the Dnipro river, is located In Zaporizhzhia, below the Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Station. Nowadays this place is gaining importance for the revival of Ukrainian history. Over the past 15 years, the island has got own...