Marian Manko

Partnerships Coordinator

Involved in the
preparation of the material

How Okhtyrka is being restored


How Okhtyrka is being restored

To focus on critical infrastructure or restore all damaged objects is a challenging question for Ukraine, which is even more pressing for the border settlements in the country’s east and north. The proximity to the Russian border does have an...

How Irpin is being restored


How Irpin is being restored

Irpin is one of the Ukrainian cities where reconstruction efforts have expanded into an extensive campaign involving numerous stakeholders. Residents of apartment buildings independently repair roofs damaged by shelling and replace windows in their homes. Lithuanian partners are engaged in...

Successful Restoration Сases in Hostomel


Successful Restoration Сases in Hostomel

One remarkable sign of Ukrainian society’s evolution is its people’s initiative and willingness to take responsibility. This tendency is especially evident during wartime, when state authorities remain overwhelmed and focused on national defence. In times of crisis, the heroes highlighted...