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Ukraine Through the Eyes of Jason Stanley

This episode of “Ukraine Through the Eyes of Others” features Jason Stanley, an American philosopher and professor at Yale University who has authored seven books, including “The Politics of Language”, “How Propaganda Works”, and “How Fascism Works”.

Restoration and Accessibility of the Bucha Community

Bucha is a town near Kyiv that was occupied at the onset of the full-scale invasion just days after February 24. Russian troops hold their grip on the community until March 31, 2022.
Following the liberation, the entire world witnessed...

How Irpin is being restored

Irpin is one of the Ukrainian cities where reconstruction efforts have expanded into an extensive campaign involving numerous stakeholders. Residents of apartment buildings independently repair roofs damaged by shelling and replace windows in their homes. Lithuanian partners are engaged in...

How Russia destroys the identity of Ukrainian children in the occupied territories

How is Russia implementing cognitive occupation? What challenges will Ukraine face after the liberation of the occupied territories, and why do we need to make sure that children who had to grow up under occupation do not turn against Ukrainians...

Successful Restoration Сases in Hostomel

One remarkable sign of Ukrainian society’s evolution is its people’s initiative and willingness to take responsibility. This tendency is especially evident during wartime, when state authorities remain overwhelmed and focused on national defence. In times of crisis, the heroes highlighted...

Why Ukraine is the true descendant of Rus

Russian propaganda, trying to justify aggression against Ukraine, relies on the thesis that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation, divided by the treacherous West. It tries to argue this using new disinformation about the oppression of the Russian language in...

How the Makariv community is being restored

Before the full-scale invasion, communities across Ukraine were developing strongly, thanks partly to decentralisation reform and various government programmes. For example, in 2020, a new outpatient clinic was opened in Makariv, built using Canadian technology. Unfortunately, it functioned only for...

To escape from occupied Oleshky after the attack on Kakhovka dam

This is a report about two people who managed to flee the occupied town of Oleshky amidst the chaos following the Russian explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. They got lucky, if one could even call it that. Residents...

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