The Armed Forces of Ukraine are human titans who are defending Ukraine from enemies so well that the whole world admires them. They are unbreakable, courageous and human. Thanks to them, the Russian Federation has failed to occupy our cities, not in three days, nor in three weeks. And the Russians will never succeed here. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are protecting peace from the sky, land and sea, managing to shoot tiktoks with Ukrainian songs while eliminating enemies.
The ardent spirit and skills of the Armed Forces have been impressing the military from all around the world. More than 20,000 volunteers from 52 countries have already joined them to defeat Russia in this full-scale war as soon as possible.

Illustration: Max Moshkovsky (instagram: @moshkovsky_art)

Illustration: Marta Koshulinska (instagram: @marta_koshulinska)

Illustration: Mariia Zhuravel (instagram: @zhuravka_)

Illustration: Natali Kozeko (instagram: @nataliko_illustrations)

Illustration: NEIVAN (instagram: @neivanmade)

Illustration: Альбина Колесниченко (instagram: @albina.kolesnichenko)

Illustration: Mari Kinovych (instagram: @marikinoo_)

Illustration: Serhii Mirchuk (instagram: @mirchuk_serhii)

Illustration: Marta Leshak (instagram: @martaleshak)

Illustration: Tetyana Pirog (instagram: @pirogart)

Illustration: Rebecca Larst (instagram: @rebecca_larst)

Illustration: Nato_Mikeladze (@_natomikeladze_)

Illustration: Victor Grudakov (instagram: @viktor.grudakov)

Illustration: Sandra Ruth (@red_ruth_art)

Illustration: Oleksandr Grekhov (@unicornandwine)

Illustration: grafemo

Illustration: Mari Kinovych (instagram: @marikinoo)

Illustration: Bright Arts (instagram: @bright_arts)