We are raising
USD 271,000

Already collected
2 562 000
Aim 10 000 000 UAH 25.6%
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Ukraїner was founded in 2016 as a non-profit project about the significance of Ukrainian culture and identity, civil society, and its role in the development of democracy. During this time, we have grown from a project that studies Ukraine to full-scale media with 15 language versions and our own publishing house.

Despite the full-scale Russian invasion, we continue to work actively and tell about how Ukrainians resist daily and overcome disasters caused by occupation troops. Besides, we discuss the history, culture, and people that create Ukraine every day.

By any contribution to Ukraїner, you invest in Ukraine! Support independent media through difficult times.

We are raising USD 271,000

This sum will help Ukraїner to work systematically in 2023, having constant support and enough resources to maintain the team and the quality of materials in 15 languages.

The Ukraїner salary fund is the remuneration of Ukraїner core team and contractors.
Backup of the archive to keep the recorded materials from the Russian cyberattack attempts.
Support for the volunteer community that is a part of every project.
Adaptation of materials to different languages and development of international communities.
The research centre that will provide resource and media support to the scientists.

Why is it worth donating to Ukraїner?

Within seven years of Ukraїner existence, we managed to not only tell about the beauty and uniqueness of Ukraine but also influence the internal and external agenda. During the full-scale invasion, we support our country’s efforts in the information war in different languages and formats.

Check out our most sensational and influential projects:

Our project and book “Who we are” about national minorities and indigenous peoples of Ukraine remain the most complete study on the theme. The law on indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted in 2021, and our stories became an incentive to understand this issue better.

Our series of explainers about the Holodomor is still used to explain the issue and help parliaments of different countries to recognize this crime as a genocide.

Before the full-scale Russian invasion, we visited almost all corners of Ukraine and created the entire map of stories, filmed a feature-length documentary, took tens of thousands of photos, and published several books. These expeditions let us explore Ukraine from the inside and tell the world about it.

After the full-scale invasion, our expeditions through peaceful Ukraine turned into trips to the liberated territories under the title “De-occupation”. We are among the first to come to the de-occupied territories to show the local population’s resistance and the devastating consequences of the Russian invaders’ actions through the stories of citizens.

Videos about the Ukrainian origin of the famous Christmas song “Carol of the Bells”, which we made together with the Ukrainian Institute, reached millions of audiences. The study based on it revealed the archives and facts that weren’t published before.

Our first book of the Ukrainian Insider series was published in German by Bruckmann Verlag publishing house. The second part was released in Great Britain by Batsford Publisher and topped the rating of books about Ukraine on Amazon even before it was printed. Together with National Geographic, we published the book in Japan and now actively work in other countries.

Thanks to our foreign language materials, Ukrainians and foreigners in different countries can collect donations to support Ukraine and educate others about Ukrainian history and culture. Our photos, videos, and books were present at events worldwide – from the US to Indonesia and the Philippines. During 2022, Ukraїner, as a publishing house, released three books and started to develop six more.

Who does this? And how?

Now Ukraїner organisation works thanks to a team of about 20 people who daily carry out coordination and management responsibilities, forming the context and directions of further work.

Due to the core team, it’s possible to coordinate volunteer communities and acquire project funds from companies and international foundations.

You can help

To make the work of Ukraїner more stable and the release of materials more regular, we need your support.  

Financially Donate

You may send any sum via a single transaction or subscribe to monthly support. Even if your donation equals a theatre ticket price, a hundred such tickets allow us to hire somebody important to our team. A subscription enables providing a stable development of Ukraїner.

By a purchase Visit the store

You can support Ukraїner by buying goods in our souvenir store. Selling souvenir products, we can use only 30 % of their cost for the project development, but you can both wear something with our branding and help financially at the same time. In addition, we increase the number of published books every year, so you speed up the appearance of new ones by buying our books.

Everyone can help us: by following the release of materials, reading, watching, commenting, and sharing them. You can also become a media partner or join as a volunteer.

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If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Nataliia Ponedilok: [email protected]